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© 2025, Urban Development Corporation

REQUEST FOR OFFER TO LEASE Parking Area 4, Land Part of Norman Manley Boulevard Part of Rutland Pen, Negril, Hanover

The Urban Development Corporation requests the submission of OFFERS to lease “Parking Area 4, Land Part of Norman Manley Boulevard Part of Rutland Penn, Negril, Hanover” for use as a commercial surface parking facility for a period of ten (10) years.

The area of the subject property is 1,891 m2 (20,354.55 ft.2) and is registered at volume 1340 folio 423. 

The area of the subject property is 1,891 m2 (20,354.55 ft.2) and is registered at volume 1340 folio 423. 

The subject property can be accessed by travelling northerly from the Negril roundabout along Norman Manley Boulevard towards Orange Bay. Located across from Ayuveda Resort, it is easily identified by the description plan and is bounded as follows: 

  • North: Land Part of Norman Manley Boulevard, Negril (Rutland Penn) Registered at Volume 1340 Folio 423 – Vacant Parking Area 3
  • South: Land Part of Norman Manley Boulevard, Negril (Rutland Penn) Registered at Volume 1340 Folio 423 – Vacant 
  • East: Land Part of Norman Manley Boulevard, Negril (Rutland Penn) Registered at Volume 1340 Folio 423 – Vacant
  • West: Norman Manley Boulevard – Access Roadway

Located opposite the Ayuveda Resort, this site is nearly rectangular, below the grade of the road, swampy in sections, and heavily forested (mangrove and natural vegetation) in sections.

Registered as land known as Rutland Penn, Booby Key or Gibraltar Point Penn, Douglas Run and Rocky Run situate in the parishes of Hanover and Westmoreland: this lot has an area of 1,891 m2 (20,354.55 ft.2).

The reserve rental fee (minimum bid) amount for the right to operate a parking facility is Two Million Jamaican Dollars (J$2,000,000.00) with a 10% annual increase to be applied every 3 years, plus General Consumption Tax (GCT) per annum. Offers below the reserve fee amount will NOT be accepted.

Visit for full details and to download the Information Memorandum Document (IMD) and application form. The IMD becomes available on Monday, January 20, 2025. Application Packages are also available for purchase at a cost of J$2,000 from the UDC Head office, 12 Ocean Boulevard, Kingston. 

ACCEPTANCE OF BIDS CLOSES Tuesday, February 11, 2025, at 2:00 p.m. This is a competitive bid process. Bids will be deposited in the appropriately labelled tender box on the Seventh Floor, of Urban Development Corporation (Office Centre Building), 12 Ocean Boulevard, Kingston.

An official public opening of bids/offers will be convened on Tuesday, February 11, 2025, at 2:15 p.m. at the offices of the Urban Development Corporation (Office Centre Building), 12 Ocean Boulevard, Kingston.

Enquiries, requests, and all correspondence relating to this offer are to be directed to:

Strategic Sourcing and Procurement Department

Urban Development Corporation

12 Ocean Boulevard

Phone:(876) 656-8031

Fax: (876) 922- 9326

The Urban Development Corporation (UDC) is not bound to accept the highest or any offer. It reserves the right, without prior notice and in its absolute discretion, to change or terminate the tender process at any time before signing the contract.

Fill out form to download IMD

REQUEST FOR OFFER TO LEASE Parking Area 4, Land Part of Norman Manley Boulevard Part of Rutland Pen, Negril, Hanover