The Urban Development Corporation (UDC) in collaboration with the Jamaica Defence Force (JDF) has completed the construction of the Falmouth Police Station in Trelawny at a cost of $272.8 million through the PetroCaribe Fund. The facility was opened on March 6, 2013 by the UDC Portfolio Minister and Prime Minister of Jamaica, The Most Honourable Portia Simpson Miller.
In her address, Prime Minister Portia Miller commended the UDC and the JDF for the excellent work carried out under the project. She further pointed out that the overarching goal was to the transform the Police Force into a modern, more effective, responsive and responsible police service serving a Jamaican society that is safe, cohesive and just”.
According to Desmond Malcolm, General Manager of the UDC who spoke on behalf of Board Chairman Senator K.D Knight, ‘the added significance of Falmouth as a major player in the tourism sector and our expanded role in spearheading a master development plan, meant that the issue of security had to be dealt with in no uncertain terms thus ensuring the success and continued longevity of the development’.
The project which began in 2005 was originally designed to be completed in time for the Cricket World Cup in 2007 but works had to be halted. As such, the UDC which has a successful history of developing facilities for the security sector was approached by the Ministry of National Security to complete the new Falmouth police station. The UDC provided technical oversight and sourced the funding, while the engineering regiment of the Jamaica Defence Force acted as contractors and project managers.
The scope of works for the project included completion of work that had already begun on electrical and plumbing infrastructure, reinforcement of cell blocks, carpentry, steelwork, and civil works to include drainage, sewerage, earthworks and road works. The project also saw the addition of a second storey to the accommodation facility housing at least 100 officers along with the addition of an upper floor to the west wing of the main building which will provide a training area, operations room and conference room for the facility.
Additional areas required for the effective functioning of the police were constructed inclusive of a lift for universal accessibility, processing areas for inmates, sentry posts along with a CCTV camera system and access control door locks, separate female and male holding cells and general landscaping works.
The facility was completed with due regard for the architectural integrity of the town of Falmouth guided by the Jamaica National Heritage Trust.
As Jamaica’s main urban and rural development agency, the UDC was mandated to spearhead and adopt a multi-agency collaborative approach to redevelop the town of Falmouth in 2010. The Corporation played a leading role in spearheading the resort upgrading programme for the historic Falmouth town centre and also the Greater Falmouth re-development plan. This plan will facilitate the orderly development of the area focusing on the management of land use, allocation for residential, commercial, industrial, resort, institutional, recreational, agricultural and conservation purposes.