Senator KD Knight, OJ, Chairman of the Urban Development Corporation (UDC) hands over symbolic keys for the Simon Bolivar Cultural Centre to Deborah Hickling, Member of Institute of Jamaica Council and their Chairman of Programmes in the Development Division on April 2, 2015. Participating in the occasion from left are Major Peter Risden, UDC Portfolio Manager, Ann Marie Bonner, Executive Director, IOJ, Sonia Hyman, OD, UDC director and Desmond Malcolm, UDC General Manager. Partially hidden at rear is Robert Stephens, UDC Deputy General Manager, Subsidiaries Management and Revenue Generation. The UDC constructed the centre on behalf of the Government of Jamaica upon the request of the Venezuelan government. The construction of the Centre is part of the UDC’s plan for the redevelopment of downtown Kingston which aims to reposition the city as a cultural hub. The cultural centre in honour of Simόn Bolívar has been constructed at North Parade and Church Street in historic Parade, not far from Bolivar’s Princess Street address. The centre comprises the Simόn Bolívar Exhibit Hall where the Jamaica Letter will be exhibited; an interpretation room; a library; three multipurpose rooms and administrative offices. Programmes will include Latin music and dance, Spanish training, and seminars and demonstrations on Venezuelan and other Latin American cultures.