Caymanas Estate
Invitation To Applicants
The Urban Development Corporation (hereinafter called “UDC”) requests the submission of OFFERS to purchase “Lots 1-68 in Caymanas Estate, St. Catherine” for commercial and light industrial use.
The land has been subdivided into seventy-eight (78) lots. Sixty-nine (69) of the lots are to be developed for commercial/light industrial businesses, while the other eight (8) lots are zoned to provide infrastructure and amenities to the development.
Bidders are allowed to participate in this tender process only if:
i. They have purchased the Information Memorandum Document (IMD) from theUDC or
ii. Downloaded same from the UDC’s website.
As such, documents relating to this bidding process are not to be transferred to any other
individual/firm/contractor/supplier/service provider for the preparation and/or
submission of an offer.
The IMD shall not be dismantled, disaggregated, and/or retyped; this may result in the rejection of a proposal.
Individuals/Bidders/Firms participating in the bidding process are to ensure the following:
- The name of the Bidder submitting a bid was used to download or purchase the IMD
- The name of the Bidder submitting a bid has been recorded on the Tender Receipt Form at the time of depositing the bid at the UDC, 12 Ocean Boulevard, Kingston.
Documents and appendices are to be used exclusively for this tender process and for no
other purpose.
The land has been subdivided into seventy-eight (78) lots. Sixty-nine (69) of the lots are to be developed for commercial/light industrial businesses, while the other eight (8) lots are zoned to provide infrastructure and amenities to the development.
Bidders are allowed to participate in this tender process only if:
i. They have purchased the Information Memorandum Document (IMD) from theUDC or
ii. Downloaded same from the UDC’s website.

How To Apply
Step 1
Read the information provided thoroughly.
Step 2
Complete the Application Form and the Monetary Offer Submission Form
Step 3
Submit all the following as part of the application package, listed here
Cost of Applying*
The applicant shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of his/her application.
Application Forms
Requests For Clarification
Any Bidder, who is in any doubt as to the exact meaning or interpretation of any part of the IMD, should immediately seek clarification. Prospective Bidders may seek and receive clarification of any part of this IMD at any time, up to two (2) weeks before the deadline for submission.
All requests for clarifications must be submitted using the secured e-mail: – and should be submitted by March 7th, 2024. Without identifying the source, the UDC will respond to the request and issue a copy of the response to all interested Bidders.
All emails should be directed to No telephone queries will be accepted.
*Should the UDC deem it necessary to amend this IMD as a result of any clarification sought or received, this shall be done by issuing an addendum via letter or by email to all prospective Bidders and the addendum shall be read as one with the IMD originally issued. The UDC may in its sole discretion extend the deadline for the submission of bids to allow Bidders to take account of the addenda in preparing their proposals.
Validity of Offers
Offers shall remain valid for 120 days after the deadline of submission of offers. In exceptional circumstances, the UDC may request that the applicants extend the period of validity for a specified additional period. The request and the applicants’ responses shall be made in writing. An applicant agreeing to the request will not be required or permitted to otherwise modify the Offer.
Evaluation Criteria
All applications shall be assessed based on the amount Offered. The applicant with the highest offer that is above the reserved price, as determined by the UDC, shall be recommended for the property unless otherwise determined by the UDC. The offer price must be supported by the documentation provided further to point vi, page 3. Each lot is considered individually, and the highest price is the determination.
Award Criteria
In accordance with the Government of Jamaica’s Policy Framework and Procedures Manual for the Divestment of Government-Owned Lands 2015, Section 2.2.7 provides that the government shall seek to optimize income from the divestment process. In this regard, the bid(s) offering the highest proven return will be selected.
Notification to Successful Applicant
Notification of the successful applicant will be done after receipt of Ministerial Approval. The UDC will notify the successful applicant(s) in writing. Please note that this tender exercise is subject to the oversight, scrutiny and processes of other Government of Jamaica regulatory agencies and stakeholders which may impact the overall timeline for finalization.
The successful bidder (s) must initiate construction on the allocated lot (s) within five (5) years after the acquisition of the title.
UDC Right To Accept Any Bid/Offer & To Reject Any Or All Bids/Offers
The UDC shall have the right to delay the award of the property within the limits of the validity of the Application.
The UDC shall have the right to waive any information or requirement in the Bids received, and to accept any Bids considered advantageous to them.
The UDC shall not be bound to regard any claim regarding either the procedure or the result of the Application.
The UDC reserves the right to accept or reject any or all applications or to withdraw the advertisement, at any time before the closing date of such advertisement without incurring any liability.
Contract Negotiations
Caymanas Estate Commercial Subdivision

The Caymanas Commercial Subdivision is approximately 103.57 acres of land registered at volume 335 and folio 855 and is located north of Mandela Highway and west of the Ferry Police Station (see subdivision plan). Accordingly, it is a strategically located and highly accessible site with tremendous potential for impactful, transformational development.
The property is accessed via unpaved former farm roads and a hard surface road just at its south-eastern corner adjoining the police station, but it has extensive road frontage on the Mandela Highway from which the proposed road will take access. It is easily identified and is bounded generally as follows:

The Caymanas Commercial Subdivision is approximately 103.57 acres of land registered at volume 335 and folio 855 and is located north of Mandela Highway and west of the Ferry Police Station (see subdivision plan). Accordingly, it is a strategically located and highly accessible site with tremendous potential for impactful, transformational development.
The property is accessed via unpaved former farm roads and a hard surface road just at its south-eastern corner adjoining the police station, but it has extensive road frontage on the Mandela Highway from which the proposed road will take access. It is easily identified and is bounded generally as follows:
It will be directly accessed off the Mandela Highway east bound lane and via the Ferry (IGL, Hydel) overhead bridge from the Mandela Highway west bound lane. The subdivision road circulation is facilitated by eight (8) roads with a reservation of 12 m. Wayleaves, easements, drains, detention basin and select green areas will enable the development to drain north.
The development will be connected to the Soapberry Sewage Treatment plant via the existing UDC sewage trunk main. Potable water will be provided by the National Water Commission (NWC) and electricity provided by the Jamaica Public Service Company (JPSCo).
This Figure shows the lots recommended for commercial and light industrial use.
Light Industrial zoning accommodates industries in which the processes carried out are considered low-impact and are not detrimental to the aesthetics, quality, or overall enjoyment of an area by reason of appearance, noise, pollution, smell, or traffic. Generally, light industrial uses involve the manufacturing of food, beverages, printing and publishing, electronic equipment, assembly-type operations, research and development facilities and small-scale logistics operations.
Light industrial uses may be allowed on lots zoned as commercial providing that it would not conflict with surrounding uses, while maintaining all the relevant development standards.